Member touch

The driving force behind any association are their members.
Your members build their impressions of you, from how you make them feel whenever they ‘interact’ with you, referred to at True Synergy, as the member touch.
These interactions affect how they talk about you to colleagues and industry and how keen they are to engage and get more involved. To nurture and grow member satisfaction, it’s critical to get this right.
By partnering with True Synergy, associations can provide their members tailored, and often exclusive solutions that meet specific needs and challenges, significantly building the membership value.
Member touch services include:
Personal point of contact- nurturing the member touch!
Member Journey programs- think of the total experience from onboarding through to winning back lapsed members
Membership Renewal & Retention management
CPD & Certification Schemes
Member Benefits
Mentoring programs
Pulse Surveys
Industry Recognition & Member Award Programs